De Chinese Wouden, vrijdag 26 mei: Hoekstra, Guam, Li Hui
Het is de afgelopen dagen wat rustiger geweest in jullie mailboxen dan jullie misschien gewend waren. Dat gaat zo blijven. Om het iets beter behapbaar te maken voor mijzelf, verstuur ik vanaf deze week nog maar drie keer per week een nieuwsbrief. Als ik de lees- en klikcijfers beoordeel, is het voor de meeste lezers vooral nuttig om na het weekend bij te worden gepraat over wat men heeft gemist. Daarna is het handig om een beetje bij te blijven.
Er is wel weer wat om bij te blijven. Hoekstras bezoek aan China is nu afgelopen en we mochten toch nog mooi rechtsonderaan op de voorpagina van het Volksdagblad:

Minder leuk nieuws is dat volgens Microsoft Chinese actoren belangrijke infrastructuur op het Amerikaanse eiland Guam gehackt zouden hebben. Dat verafgelegen eiland in het westen van de Stille Oceaan dient als belangrijk steunpunt voor wanneer de strijdkrachten van de VS bijvoorbeeld in een Taiwanees-achtige richting zouden willen gaan. Dat gaat dus niet om spionage – zoals sommige koppen stelden – maar om onderdeel van voorbereidingen op eventualiteiten rondom mogelijke oorlogsvoering op termijn.
Over Taiwan gesproken: de commandant van de NAVO defensie-academie in Rome blijkt afgelopen maart in Taiwan de commandant van de Taiwanese nationale defensie-universiteit te hebben gesproken. Past bij het patroon waarin NAVO ook in gesprek is over een kantoor in Tokio.
Ondertussen was Pekings speciaal gezant voor Eurazië met zijn laatste stukje Oekraïnetour in West-Europa, waar hij te horen kreeg dat China meer z’n best moet doen met Rusland. Peking doet ook goed z’n best met Rusland: er is bij het bezoek van de Russische premier een overeenkomst voor beter economische samenwerking getekend.
Hoekstra in China 🇳🇱🇨🇳
China bijt van zich af tijdens ongemakkelijk bezoek Hoekstra – NRC
Hoekstra schippert in China tussen „lastige onderwerpen” en handelsbelangen – de Volkskrant: „Beijing is bezig met een diplomatiek charmeoffensief richting Europa, dat een gematigder China-beleid voert dan de Verenigde Staten, maar blijkt daarbij niet bereid tot concessies. Bovendien heeft Beijing een hekel aan publieke terechtwijzingen.”
Chinese vice president Hán Zhèng 韩正 meets Dutch deputy PM Hoekstra – Xinhua
China raises supply chain concerns as the Netherlands plans curbs on chip technology – SCMP
Nu ook in Engels: Qin Gang: China and the Netherlands Can Strengthen Cooperation at Three Levels – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China
Commentaar: De omgang met China vraagt om grondige herziening en vereist zowel flexibiliteit als assertiviteit – Peter Giesen voor de Volkskrant: „Europa moet leren van het debacle met Rusland. Praten is winst, zoals minister Hoekstra zei, en economische relaties helpen daarbij. Maar het is belangrijk om voorbereid te zijn op het moment waarop een dictatoriale staat elke dialoog onmogelijk maakt.”
Nederland en Europa 🇳🇱🇪🇺
TikTok-verbod voor Haagse gemeenteambtenaren – Omroep West 🇳🇱
Provincies willen geen TikTok op werktelefoons, maar gaan niet actief controleren – AD 🇳🇱
Kendrion opent nieuwe fabriek in China – FD 🇳🇱
NATO official visits Taiwan as patchwork approach to countering Beijing emerges – The China Project: ‘Lieutenant General Olivier Rittiman, commandant of NATO Defense College in Rome, met with his counterparts at National Defense University’ ‘from March 27 to 31’
China says NATO’s plan for Japan office not welcomed in Asia-Pacific – Reuters
China veroordeelt graag bijv. G7 als niet representatief voor de internationale gemeenschap, maar doet in dit soort gevallen wel alsof het namens die internationale gemeenschap spreekt.
Ukraine war: China envoy Lǐ Huī 李辉 told again that Beijing must push Moscow to end invasion – SCMP 🇪🇺
EU tells China’s Lǐ Huī 李辉 to play constructive role towards peace in Ukraine – Reuters 🇪🇺
Ukraine: Deputy Secretary-General Enrique Mora meets Special Envoy of the Chinese Government for Eurasian Affairs Lǐ Huī 李辉 – EU EEAS 🇪🇺
‘State Secretary Andreas Michaelis today received the Chinese Special Envoy for #Ukraine, Li Hui, at the Federal Foreign Office. The meeting took place as part of Li Hui's visit to Europe. It was preceded by stops in Ukraine, Poland and France.’ – German Foreign Office, Twitter 🇩🇪
‘The Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Eurasian Affairs, Li Hui, held talks with Frederic Mondoloni, the director general of political and security affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of #France in Paris on Tuesday. They exchanged views on the political settlement of the #Ukraine crisis, #China-France relations, and other issues:FM’ – Mission of China to the EU, Twitter 🇫🇷
Czech foreign minister Jan Lipavsky calls for more united EU-US approach to China – SCMP 🇨🇿
Hungary is becoming more important to China: Viktor Orbán and Xi Jinping bond over their anti-Americanism – The Economist 🇭🇺
China en Rusland 🇨🇳🇷🇺
Xí Jìnpíng 习近平 calls on Eurasian nations to boost ties with belt and road as Beijing seeks to expand influence – SCMP: ‘Speaking as an invited guest at the opening ceremony of the second Eurasian Economic Forum in Moscow via video link on Wednesday, Xi also reiterated that the path towards a multipolar world was “irresistible”, Xinhua reported.’
Xí Jìnpíng 习近平 addresses opening ceremony of plenary session of second Eurasian Economic Forum – Xinhua
Xí Jìnpíng 习近平 meets Russian PM Mikhail Mishustin – Xinhua: ‘It is the aspiration of the people and the trend of the times to consolidate and develop China-Russia relations, Xi said.’
Chinese premier Lǐ Qiáng 李强 holds talks with Russian counterpart – Xinhua
China-Russia trade likely to have ‘plateaued’ even as leaders hail ‘unprecedented high level’ relations – SCMP
Russia and China deepen economic ties amid surge in trade since Ukraine invasion –The Guardian
Exclusive: Russian hypersonic scientist accused of betraying secrets to China – Reuters
Jilin Jinguan electric to build road between Iran and Russia for new energy facilities – Reuters
China en VS 🇨🇳🇺🇸
China’s Commerce Minister Wáng Wéntāo 王文涛 travels to US to meet counterpart and attend APEC meeting – Reuters
China’s new ambassador to US Xiè Fēng 谢锋 vows to safeguard Beijing’s interest, strengthen cooperation with Washington – Xinhua
Xinhua Commentary: Fundamental principles vital to bringing China-US ties back on track – Xinhua: ‘What the future holds for the two countries and the world at large hinges on whether Washington will, with enough sincerity, refrain from damaging mutual trust, avoid misunderstanding and miscalculation, and take concrete steps to deliver on its promises.’
Alles is de schuld van de Verenigde Staten.
US-China relations are entering a new phase likely to determine whether the two powers are able to restore high-level exchanges derailed by a Chinese balloon earlier this year – WSJ: ‘While Beijing has largely given Washington a cold shoulder in recent months, it now has its own reasons for detente. Chinese officials point to a priority for Beijing: paving the way for Chinese leader Xi Jinping to attend an annual summit of Asia-Pacific leaders to be held in San Francisco in November—and possibly a separate meeting with Biden.’
The State Department’s most senior official focused solely on China, Rick Waters, is stepping down at a tumultuous time in the US relationship with Beijing – Bloomberg
Xinhua Commentary: G7 should be renamed G1+6 – Xinhua: ‘Selfish Uncle Sam has made it increasingly difficult for the bloc to forge a unified will as more countries realize that the world's sole superpower is maneuvering to remould the group into a geopolitical tool for confrontation and conquest.’
US House China panel recommends Congress take action over Taiwan and Uyghurs – Reuters
Guam hack 💻🚨
Microsoft: door China gesteunde hackersgroep bespioneerde [het gaat niet om spionage, maar om cyberoorlog in het geval van invasie Taiwan] kritieke Amerikaanse infrastructuur – NRC
Chinese malware hits systems on Guam. Is Taiwan the real target? – The New York Times: ‘Guam, with its Pacific ports and vast American air base, would be a centerpiece of any American military response to an invasion or blockade of Taiwan.’
Chinese hackers spying on US critical infrastructure, Western intelligence says – Reuters: ‘was developing capabilities that could disrupt critical communications infrastructure between the United States and Asia region during future crises.’
Volt Typhoon targets US critical infrastructure with living-off-the-land techniques – Microsoft Security
Tech War 💽💥
Gewijzigde motie van het lid Klink c.s. t.v.v. 21501-02-2654 over zo concreet mogelijk de afhankelijkheid van kritieke grondstoffen, chips, halfgeleiders en hightechproducten met afbouwpad in kaart brengen – Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal 🇳🇱
Supply chain scrutiny may upend EU solar ambitions – Lisa Jucca for Reuters 🇪🇺
Wind turbine maker Siemens Gamesa to cut reliance on China for rare earths and permanent magnets – Reuters
China was reducing Micron chip purchases years before ban – Reuters
South Korea warns US could ‘overburden’ its chipmakers with China limits – FT
China’s Apple loss is India’s gain, as 2022 supplier list shows shift in supply chain preferences – SCMP
Taiwan exports to India keep rising as rest of world orders less – SCMP
How China could choke EU supply of medicines – POLITICO Europe: ‘A conflict between China and Taiwan could have a catastrophic effect on China's supply of vital drugs into Europe, medicines manufacturers based on the Continent have warned.’ 🇪🇺
China said to be negotiating arms deals with Saudi Arabia and Egypt – SCMP: ‘as the countries seek to diversify their weapons supplies to become less reliant on the United States and Russia.’
How are Chinese firms responding as foreign buyers ‘don’t want anything made in China’? – SCMP
India looks to boost naval power amid China’s expansion in the Indian Ocean – The Straits Times
Sri Lanka will apply to join RCEP trade bloc, Wickremesinghe says – Nikkei Asia
Japan scrambled jets after Russian planes seen off coasts – AFP
Longreads en achtergrond
Can Macron save Germany’s car industry? – Joseph de Weck for Internationale Politik Quarterly
Amended anti-espionage law aims to curate China’s own narrative – MERICS
Handelsbeziehungen: „China wird nicht kollabieren“ – SZ interviewt Jörg Wuttke.
China’s appropriation of comfort women activism – Edward Vickers for East Asia Forum
How a CCP propaganda campaign targeted the Dalai Lama – Magnus Fiskesjö for The Diplomat
Chinese internet trolls are adopting American racism to taunt Black users – Rest of World
Investing in tourism in Xinjiang, Beijing seeks new ways to control the region’s culture – Eva Xiao for ChinaFile
Going for low-hanging fruit, deliberate strategy, or path dependency?: Liz Truss’ visit to Taiwan – Brian Hioe for Taiwan Insight
Drum Tower: Cash into their chips – The Economist: ‘discuss what these valuable startups say about the country’s shifting industrial priorities and how they fit into President Xi Jinping’s plans for “self-reliance”.’ 🍎 🤖
Interpreting the Recent Central Financial and Economic Affairs Commission Meeting – Pekingology’s Jude Blanchette talks to Carl Minzner, Gerard Dipippo, and Andrew Polk. 🍎 🤖
China buitenland en defensie
Pope calls for freedom of worship for Catholics in China – Reuters
China urges Israel to stop ‘provocations’ and ‘encroachment’ as Palestinian tensions flare – SCMP
China coast guard enters disputed waters in East China Sea – Reuters
China deploys three ‘navigation’ beacons in the South China Sea – Reuters: ‘following similar marker placements by the Philippines earlier this month’
Philippines uses tourism to advance South China Sea claims – Nikkei Asia
China constructing model villages opposite the LAC with India, say sources – The Hindu
Remarks by Ambassador Zhāng Jūn 张军 at the UN Security Council open debate on ensuring the security and dignity of civilians in conflict: Addressing food insecurity and protecting essential services – Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the UN: ‘We call upon traditional donors to increase their assistance and to provide more emergency humanitarian assistance in terms of food and financing to the countries that are in need of them. Assistance should not be regarded as a lever for political gain. There should be no additional conditions attached.’
China binnenland
A Chinese local government, Kunming city, has fired back at claims it is facing severe debt problems, after comments by an anonymous expert on a call with investors – WSJ
Nanchang: Once a symbol of China’s growth, now a sign of a housing crisis – The New York Times
De financiële situatie van veel lokale overheden is penibel. Zie ook de verhalen eerder deze week over het afsluiten van stadsverwarming, afschalen van busvervoer, niet betalen van salarissen, etc.
China can’t afford Xí Jìnpíng 习近平’s quest for security – Minxin Pei for Bloomberg: ‘Chinese actions to strengthen its economic defenses will likely be far more costly than their US equivalents, hurting China substantially more than the US.’
Why the Communist Party fears gay rights: Social conservatism plus paranoia about foreign infiltration prompts a crackdown – The Economist’s Chaguan
Videos reveal the indoctrination and militarisation of Uyghur children – Bitter Winter
Hong Kong
Four Hong Kong students sentenced over anti-government bomb plot – AFP
Taiwan buitenland en defensie
Taiwan urged by European representatives to ease requirements for EU green energy developers – Focus Taiwan 🇪🇺
Chinese man suspected of making Taiwan bomb threats questioned by police – Focus Taiwan: ‘tracked down by the authorities in China, following a request from Taiwan for judicial assistance’
Chinese tourists to return to Taiwan’s outer islands in June after 3-year hiatus, KMT lawmaker says – SCMP
Inaugural Taiwan-US Science and Technology Cooperation Dialogue ends with fruitful results, council says – Focus Taiwan
Thailand PM hopeful takes policy inspiration from Taiwan – Focus Taiwan
Paraguay eyes trade with China despite Taipei ties – AFP
US to help Taiwan obtain NATO Link-22 radio system, says defence official – Focus Taiwan: ‘Link-22 enables a direct data link with the U.S. military.’
Taiwan weighs options for ageing fleet of Mirage 2000 fighter jets – SCMP
Taiwan binnenland en economie
Lai Ching-te 賴清德 [Lài Qīngdé] (DPP), the constrained candidate for Taiwan president – Courtney Donovan Smith
Taiwan presidential race: Ko Wen-je 柯文哲 [Kē Wénzhé] (TPP) has most room to move up or down – Courtney Donovan Smith
Hou Yu-ih 侯友宜 [Hóu Yǒuyí] (KMT)’s puzzling Taiwan presidential campaign launch – Courtney Donovan Smith
DPP blasts KMT over its war and peace narrative – Taipei Times